Thursday, June 10, 2010

Photo 13

I've taken a long time between posts. I got really encouraged about all the positive responses from my photos so then I started working on an etsy shop. Then, I got stopped short by the fact that I have no idea what to name these photos! No idea. The statues are a little easier, but what about the flowers? the trees? the buildings? No idea. It would probably help if I knew what the flowers are, but I don't, sadly. So, if any of you have suggestions for names for these photos, I would sincerely appreciate it. Any and all recommendations will be considered and appreciated. In the meantime, more photos!

Sometimes, it seems as though every photographer has a bicycle photograph. So, here's mine. This one was taken in Cambridge.

1 comment:

  1. You really set up the shot well. Love the softness of the brick homes and gravel. I thought it was clever the way the windows line up end to end in the image. Title suggestion for this pic..."Cambridge"
